The Tidal Flood Beneath the Lunar Sway
Lili Agg, Nikolett Balázs, Bence Barta, Ron Fischer, Veronika Romhány, Nóra Teplán
August 15 – September 13, 2019
The exhibition comprises works from six young artists from Hungary, members of MŰTŐ (Budapest, HU), an artist-run independent platform and art collective with the mission to create a physical space for young artists to experiment and find new ways of creation. Through a diverse program they try to expand the boundaries of art, focusing on emerging artists, building a community through a critical curatorial approach and democratic structure based on DIY culture.
Most of the works in the exhibition appear to be the result of a process of sedimentation, both physical and theoretical, embedded with layers of labor and discourse. Several pieces relate to the influence of power and/or structures of power over the individual. Some of the artworks seem as if they were the conclusion of a natural and violent catastrophe, like a hurricane or a flood; bits of once complete things, that have been torn, shredded, eroded and decayed. Others are unharmed and intact, but nevertheless in their wholeness they are a reaction to “the fragmented identity and the frustrating atmosphere of posthuman reality… in a world overwhelmed by images and information dust”.
Part of an exhibition exchange between Lateral ArtSpace (RO) and MŰTŐ (HU) in 2019, with the purpose of offering an opportunity to young artists and curators to collaborate and contribute to the visibility of young artists from the two neighbouring countries.
A cultural project co-financed by The Administration of the National Cultural Fund. The project does not necessarily represent the position of the Administration of the National Cultural Fund. The Administration of the National Cultural Fund is not responsible for the content of the project or the manner in which the results of the project may be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the funding recipient.
Project supported by Cluj-Napoca City Hall and Local Council.